The Heart of God by Oliver DrewmanInside me dwells the passionate feeling
That I would like to be known deeply and intimately
That these poor words are a limited expression
Of what truly beats inside my chest
I would like to have my heart displayed
For all to see, but not all
Only those who would not crush me
Only those who would understand
Where am I to find this impossibility?
To wander this world a short time
To never be fully known seems such a waste
Such a burden of intense unrealized desire
Maybe this is just a longing sent
From the Father heart of God
Who wishes us discontent with all but Him
Who only wants to be reunited with us
This is something to ponder...
That God displayed his heart for all to see
Even those who crushed Him
Even those, His enemies, that did not understand
He made possible impossibility
He wandered this world a short time
Fully known by the Father in every step and action
Bearing burdens to allow desire's realization
He dwells intangible the passionate feeling
Of being deeply and intimately known
Not empty heartless laws and rules
But a tangible expression of love with every breath
Yet we are so silly to believe that one hour of one day
Is all He wants
Yet we are so silly to believe that, "being good" and "not cursing"
Are all He wants
Yet we are so silly to believe that empty forms and songs
Are what He wants
He wants nothing more than everything, that's all!
He wants to intimately know and be known
To walk together as once happened, now we can again
Walk in the footsteps of our Father
His heart's love displayed upon a hill
For all to see
12/10/2009 Author's Note: Thoughts on wanting to be vulnerable, loved intimately, known fully, and have that change everything.
Posted on 12/11/2009 Copyright © 2025 Oliver Drewman
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 12/11/09 at 05:56 PM ...a loving read, i am in that tune, fiddling right along w/ you...mayhaps our anonymity is God-sent...we/you/Everyman can be tempted w/ notoriety and its kiss of Narcissism. great depthful write. |
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 12/20/09 at 01:10 PM You are right on in content! God wants intimacy through our openness to Him--with everything! Reminds me of a gospel song, "All to Jesus I surrender all to Him I freely give." It is about relationship--not about keeping a set of rules. Great writing! |
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 05/20/12 at 03:49 PM Such a strong, well-developed construction to this. Thank you. |