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by George Hoerner

we are all what we are
so i assume you are as lost as i
though neither of us will admit
we can’t find ourselves in this forest

we all say what we say and pretend
we know what we know and it is true
except what we know for the most part
has somehow found its exceptions
in the reality of this fictitious world

i understand that some will say
this should be in the political forum
but it’s not about politics or religion
it’s about something we hilariously call reality
not understanding how our own perceptions
make fools of us and our understanding it

i wish to shrink into another world
preferably one of only two dimensions
three is too complicated and well
one? well that is what we see
most of the time and rarely see it
for what it is

our preconceptions, so we see
what we expect to see ignoring all else
the ‘other’ only exists so far as he
will back up our understanding
one is so much easier than
the bigger numbers

so let’s lay down our guns
and try to agree on what
peace might be like
or go ahead and shoot me
if you prefer


Posted on 12/08/2009
Copyright © 2024 George Hoerner

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by V. Blake on 12/08/09 at 11:19 PM

There's a typo in the last line of your second stanza "in the reality of _the this_ fictitious world". Pretty awesome otherwise, George.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 12/09/09 at 12:59 AM

...george, this must be the one of which you spoke, this is staggeringly good, reflective, senseable, wise, sage and well-packaged...it flowed, never stepping on itself...so true too in the human dynamics arena...

Posted by Glenn Currier on 01/04/10 at 05:07 PM

This is an epistemological piece do resistance. The last two stanzas are the most hard hitting for me. I think you have put your poetic finger on one of the biggest human challenges - to accept the relativity of all of our perceptions... the key word being: "accept." If we are able to do that, there would, indeed, be a much more fertile soil for peace. Thanks, George. This is fantastic.

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