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For Years

by George Hoerner

how many times
have i looked long at
the golden globe
of hemlock
only to pull back
out of fear, fantasy,
futility, or worse

having walked the edge
and beyond of depravity
looking for the unattainable

walking through the throngs
of the Big Apple’s
Christmas crowds
feeling alone within
this mass of humanity

they walk the streets
prisoners of their own
city’s fearful history
tiptoeing on eggs
waiting for one to break

the rest of the world
looks on at the demise
of an economy
brought down by
greedy little people
nearly taking the
world with them

yet these on lookers
really watch in envy
wishing they had
half the freedom
wasted on people
spending the whole life
trying to have



Posted on 11/17/2009
Copyright © 2024 George Hoerner

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Laurie Blum on 11/18/09 at 03:42 AM

this is very deep and really touches home! An excellent look at the way things are today! I like this George!

Posted by Alison McKenzie on 11/18/09 at 10:56 AM

Well said, George, well said.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 11/18/09 at 02:43 PM

...george, more than nice; you start big and go down to a 1 man's appreciation of the 'rest o' the world and bingo you got it...like the turn of the bottom stanza and the blast off from the first stanza...

Posted by V. Blake on 11/22/09 at 05:29 AM

I've been to NYC during the Christmas season, and I know exactly what you're talking about here. It's a peculiar feeling, the one you get from weaving through a crowd of people with locked knees, cold shoulders, and shifting eyes. This captures that pretty damn well.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 10/22/12 at 12:28 PM

all I ever sought in the Big Apple was to feel smaller and lonelier than I am. Manhattan never failed to do those two things for me, for which I will be eternally grateful, which is not to say that Manhattan served no other purpose but to lavish on me those two gifts. For me it is and will ever be a city of wonder and mystery, a place to lose oneself which is the only luxury I can afford and in Manhattan most of all. Call it what you will, I am grateful it is there when I need it and ever grateful to artists like you for painting the plein air philosophy, the psychology and the spirituality and the sheer grit of it like you do.

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