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You Are

by Allison Smith

You are
so close I can feel your weight
my hands, legs, back
supporting cast
you are outstretched
stretching within me

within me

a constant battle looms
don't let the tide take you away
I will ride to the moon and swim through stars
to bring you home again.
the tide can't hold you
like I can

rock with me

hear us quicken our rythym
hear us coo and call and say make believe things
about silliness and how insignificant molecules are
that you are an atom and I am
insignificantly significantly drawn to you

don't go.

stay a while
don't let the clocks rhythm entice you from me
mechanical beating waging war
ticks against us

Im into the way you hold me
press onto me, fasten
but don't go faster
s l o w
your breathing, your heart and your time
in and around our solar system
our singular solitary solar planet
beams light into the darkest corners of the Earth
when together you're my light
when away, you're my light
always when

remember that willow tree
God leant his hand to us
and you draped around my shoulders like a shawl
keep you warm you said

your warmth is on my nightstand
your heart is in my pocket
I'm making my way to you
so stay
put your ticket away and give your cheques to the needy

castle's were never that fancy anyway.


Author's Note: this is largely an experiment and wouldn't be possible without SK

Posted on 09/22/2009
Copyright © 2025 Allison Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 09/22/09 at 11:39 AM

this poem floors me. it wallops and envelops me in its splendid metaphor. it is simply a wondrous thing to behold with eyes open or closed.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 09/22/09 at 02:26 PM

...well, you and S.K. outdid yo'selves...allison this is stout and loving at the same time...love it.

Posted by Steven Kenworthy on 09/23/09 at 03:52 AM

for no actual or obvious reason, this is probably my favourite thing of yours you've ever written. maybe cause the style appeals so much...but either way, this is uncautious, romantic and a bit like a speeding car being steered by a blind girl. this is smart and bright and a bit needy...in an essential way. needy can be excellent. this is so strong. this is salmon upstream...oh yes.

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