
Elaborate Illusion

by Alison McKenzie

Am I dead?
Dare I ask this question out loud?
For if I am,
Who will answer?
The daughter who’s love
Is unconditional.
If I am,
She only stayed here for me,
To help me wake up
In this realm that is not illusion.

Such an elaborate illusion.

And when does the illusion end?
Why is there pain?
Why do I love
Those who leave me alone?
Is death being alone?

And if this is living,
Why are there



Moments alone.


Posted on 08/05/2009
Copyright © 2025 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 08/05/09 at 01:08 PM

...Queen, these moments alone are to celebrate your "you-ness"...and death is a five letter word meaning, 'don't talk to me'. some of us walk a living death, so don't talk to them either.

Posted by Laurie Blum on 08/05/09 at 07:40 PM

You are such a magnificent individual that you think you are out there all alone, but we are with you! Sometimes the simplest things are hidden from our view.

Posted by Ashok Sharda on 08/06/09 at 03:30 AM

'Am I dead?' Who is questioning? There's an observer and there's an observed. With whom do we identify with? In this case, the observer who is watching the observed dying is alive because only living Beings can question. And this question is an out come of a conflict between the one who IS and the one who is NOT. Its a battle between Being and nothingness. Its upto us to decide with whom do we identify with. 'And when does the illusion end? Why is therepain?' Well, when the observer and the observed are not one, there's a conflict and where there's a conflict, there's pain. But, so far there's conflict, one is definitely alive. There;s no conflict insode the grave .

Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 08/06/09 at 04:52 PM

Internally and externally quite thought provoking.I like how you worded this introspective poem of ponder. Great lines, Ali.

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 08/09/09 at 04:58 PM

You are very much alive ::: this pain will grow you even more beautiful, and next time -next time- you'll know who to beware of. You will. You are immeasurably unique and valuable. You're someone to live for, Ali.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 08/15/09 at 01:05 AM

I like the idea of the elaborate illusion, something carefully laid out by someone somewhere is what I imagine. Your questions are most revealing. And the moments alone - how should one use them? Good one, Ali.

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