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From Behind The Rainbow Façade

by Chris Sorrenti

let‘s play a game
like we did in the early days
when though the world
was already a big scary place
in another sense also quite beautiful

a game of pretend
where Serotonin is free
needn’t be bought
for the price of achievements and
demands for survival day to day
stretching ever more unreachable
as we’ve come to know it all
in these latter days

yes - let’s make believe
our favorite toy protected only by skull
is in fact unbreakable
no matter the challenge/adversity
and those who would wrestle it from us

and if we should lose it
the toy store never closed down
after that first day out of the womb
continues to be open 24 hours a day
with grandma and grandpa
who we know nothing could bother
ready to dispense a new one
from behind the shiny counter
never requiring disinfectant or scrub

and while we’re pretending
let’s imagine as well
that most precious of playthings
- all the accessories to enhance it
don’t lose their lustre
beyond birthdays and Christmases
and what we’ve come to know as adults
as passion never tarnishes
in the labyrinth of this big scary world

with all this in mind then
we can put on our brightest happy face
- really mean it

yes – for a time let’s play a game –
let us pretend
let us all pretend...

 photo Rainbow October by Chris Sorrenti 042014e RED5050b.jpg

© 2003
Photo © April 2014 by author

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Posted on 03/12/2009
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 03/12/09 at 10:18 PM

I like this a lot.

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 03/12/09 at 10:18 PM

"and what we’ve come to know as adults/as passion never tarnishes/in the labyrinth of this big scary world"....whoa, so well said Chris. I'm with you on that dream. Excellent. Thanks.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 03/13/09 at 12:26 AM

Well said! Imagination and memory can help us deal with life's stresses.

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 03/13/09 at 12:33 AM

My mind became broken in a terrible incident. Ever since then, pretending became extinct. My friends say, jokingly, to count this as a lucky break!

Posted by Rhiannon Jones on 03/13/09 at 01:46 PM

This is provocative. For me, it suggests both the productive powers and destructive dangers of pretense and imagination. Makes me consider the blurry line between "highly creative" and "just-plain-nuts". -Rhiannon (just-plain-nuts)

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 03/17/09 at 06:22 AM

Quite a potion here, and quite a position, told from what is known from experience, with a wry conscious harking back to inexperience, that requests accomplices of like mind to recreate what we did not know in the light of the known. The "serotonin" is quite a word thrown into the mix- highlighted the adult wrestling with complexity of our chemistry and at the same time an aknowledgement that a "mindless" mindfulness can accomplish an aware and possibly effective innocence. A thoughtful, subtle, introspective invocation.

Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 03/17/09 at 02:40 PM

if only it didn't have to be pretend...

Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 03/21/09 at 04:22 AM

Oh yes let us pretend, but then who is to say when the world became scary for some and what we learned way back then as survival techniques may have been the game of let us pretend...sometimes it is in the knowing and in the fearing that we become more harmful and before we learned what gravity was didn't we fly (I did) excellent write. smh

Posted by Laura Doom on 03/22/09 at 06:45 PM

Indeed, let us pray for the play's the thing :)

Posted by Kris Mara on 04/07/09 at 01:17 PM

a thought provoking read this morning...I'm struck by the darkness and light in this...and hope that sometimes we not only pretend, but believe and can retain some of what we think we've lost through the years (even in the smallest corners of consciousness)

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