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by Greg Williams

Got to see Om tonight,
not quite what you'd think,
it’s like the notes we never notice in most music, a sort of missing link.
hard metal droning bass and pounding drums, Tibetan style chants,
100 people standing there motionless,
hardly like an early valentine,
more like a trance.
Hair bobbing softly, like seeing Slayer in slow mo,
Songs end, right where they start,
six organs of admittance and valet opening,
hour long moments, some louder parts.
All in all have to say it was a good night,
nothing beats a little music,
turns a little emptiness into buzzing ear drums,
thoughts that resemble a little shining light.


Author's Note: A.. journal entry of sorts? I sometimes express my thoughts in poetry much better than in actual writing, or at least I hope I do. Comments welcome.

Posted on 02/14/2009
Copyright © 2024 Greg Williams

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/18/09 at 02:09 AM

Captivating read Greg, and though I'm not familiar with Om, this poem sure makes me want to check them out. Thanks for the lead.

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