A Life Less Perfect by Joan SerratelliA life less perfect
than the rest
A heart so broken
and put through the test
A mind shattered
a soul left to wander
and wonder why
It was deemed by time
and sealed by fate
A life lies in the ruins
of its own mind
Trapped by the demons
it cannot deny
A life less perfect
A heart so broken
A mind shattered
A soul in tatters
A life destroyed
by it's own hand
It was fate's design
02/13/2009 Author's Note: Again, a reprint.
Posted on 02/13/2009 Copyright © 2025 Joan Serratelli
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 02/14/09 at 04:20 PM ...as are all lives, and just as you posit by/and effecting body, soul, everything, me being 62, i "see" all the lil' fragmentations in a detail, you are so correct in your projections and i see an x-tra emphasis on [what we call fate] i now see why so many can't stand to live and choose suicide, not an option for me as i love life, probelems and all, but because of the wealth of the words in this work are alllll[or most] of the reasons to some life is misery...good write, scary, eh? |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/15/09 at 03:17 PM A powerful reminder of what some sadly go through, Joan. As the saying goes, "been there, done that, bought the T-shirt." Fortunately, with councilling and treatment, there is hope. |
Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 02/17/09 at 03:16 PM Poetry is healing and the words can allow us to bring about a resolution, such emotion and telling in these stanzas. smh |