back patio inventory - winter

by Kristina Woodhill

two thick door mats - frazzled
from cat claws pulling
slightly damp from
snow melting

one pair old skis - languishing
possible spare-screw part
possibility discarded

one teak bench

one wooden gliding bench
one metal barbeque
covered and cowering

one red metal snow shovel
scraped edges, bent sides
bottom feeder

one small wind chime
tiny, tired tunes
hanging in there

eight minutes ago
three cats sitting
one mouse head
one mouse stomach
one mouse hind end
(tail, two legs, some fur)

one minute ago
no mouse head
one mouse stomach
no mouse hind end
one magpie echo
(magpie comes with its own

one thermometer
red arrow pointing firmly
35 degrees Fahrenheit
no large rodent shadow needed


Posted on 02/07/2009
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Bruce W Niedt on 02/08/09 at 02:58 AM

I like the personification of the objects, and the unsettling image of the cats eating the mouse. Stark, vivid, with a touch of dry humor. Well-done.... d:-)

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 02/09/09 at 08:11 PM

Check and's all there, all the making of a Woodhill signature poem....loved this, actually. Great write. Thanks.

Posted by Paul Lastovica on 03/07/09 at 02:41 AM

a dig the shovel description : bottom feeder. made me smile. and the mouse bit made me smirk, then miss having cats around the house.

Posted by Joan Serratelli on 03/19/09 at 05:09 PM

Sounds like my porch! I can just see the cat and the mouse. In fact, I can picture all the things listed. I like this piece. The images are just so real- good write (as usual!)

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