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12 Loose Screw Haiku\Senryu Two

by David Hill

We waltz round the fields
Our silo brimmed with gold grain
Beneath harvest moon.

Poor sighted possum
Fast "soccer mom" minivan
Converge on a point.

Perched atop pine trees,
Vigilant turkey vultures,
Await the deer’s death.

The Ferris wheel whirls
The old carnie is revered
Then falls in status

With digitized soul,
Instant gratification,
An unworthy goal.

Black rook with blue hue
Clumsy slow in a gray sky
The war is coming

Moonrise on the moors,
The Barn Owl’s nocturnal prey?
A field mouse buffet.

At the library
The ragged tramp props a book
Escapes winter's chill.

The axiom's false
He landed but not on feet
The tabby went “splat!”

The ancient keeper
Achingly climbs spiral stairs
Till his days are done.

A nation in fear
Relinquishes liberty
Ordains Big Brother.

Honeysuckle breeze
Lightning bugs and moonlit leaves
A fine night to die


Author's Note: the eyes spin round and round and round and round

Posted on 01/10/2009
Copyright © 2024 David Hill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 01/10/09 at 04:15 AM

Hell of a worthy trip though.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 01/10/09 at 05:24 PM

I chuckled, I sighed, I covered my eyes, these snippets were most enjoyable and revealing.

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