
They Pretend to be Clueless

by Ken Harnisch

When it suits the purpose
They pretend to be clueless
Stopping to peer into windows
But not buying, men  ”not even
Interested” in the merchandise
Beyond an hourglass waist
And the come hither smile
Later, at the bar, or on
Ballfields where base hits
And too much beer loosen
Too many tongues
They speak of conquests
That never were
But could  have been
As if it were a given
That the wrecks they are
Would be welcomed
In any sultry lady’s arms
Afterwards, walking with
Their wives or girlfriends
Down sunwashed streets
And catching sight of
Last night’s Marilyn Monroe
They pretend they can’t see
And never did, and not
Even a punch on the arm
From a discerning companion
Will shake them from
Their avowal that
They hadn’t noticed her at all
When it suits the purpose,
They pretend to be clueless


Author's Note: Mel..not a mention of a diaper, you'll notice!

Posted on 07/17/2008
Copyright © 2024 Ken Harnisch

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 07/17/08 at 02:32 PM

I was hoping you'd work the title somewhere into the actual piece. It's too good a line not to use, you know? Awesome work, sir.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 07/17/08 at 02:55 PM

Poetic commentary on some, many, most? men! A light poking fun at a too common male foible.

Posted by Melissa Arel on 07/17/08 at 03:25 PM

Well done Ken ;) Let's see what I can take from this one!

Posted by Meghan Helmich on 07/17/08 at 08:47 PM

i'm definitely feeling this, ken. i don't think i'll ever understand men. (i didn't mean for that to rhyme.)

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