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Scorpio Rising

by Chris Sorrenti

born at 30 minutes
past the 10th hour of morning
on day 30 of the 10th month 1957
geographical location Montreal

what it means simply
is do the math
the position of planets
amid constellations
will tell you the rest

© 2008

2,030 hits as of May 2024


Posted on 01/16/2008
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 01/16/08 at 11:46 PM

...*cute*, 'cept us folks from the country still ain't gonna know we found you and your destiny, we may think you're tawking about a 55 buick hubcap...a heavy and tight idea and pome, chris...peace, chaz

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 01/18/08 at 03:38 AM

Heh. Always a pleasure.

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 01/18/08 at 04:12 PM

Excellent combination of math, geography, and astronomy - it's a mini-lesson of these and more. ;-)

Posted by Marjorie Anne Reagan on 01/19/08 at 04:19 PM

Leo w Scorpio rising I knew from the first time I read you we were kindred spirits. Scorpios don't believe in this stuff though. Lol

Posted by Alisa Js on 01/20/08 at 04:18 AM

lol.. well done, well done indeed...lol

Posted by Laura Doom on 02/01/08 at 12:05 AM

Ha, me neither... :> I suggest you wrote this off the cusp...

Posted by Mara Meade on 02/08/08 at 08:35 PM

The mix of serious and humour is PERFECT! Love it. Should have known you were a Scorpio... ;)

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