

by Alison McKenzie

I live in a fever,
A cocoon of unadulterated vibration
Where energy exists outside
My rightful senses;
The knowing that life
Occupies a certain realm
Not material in nature;
Unmitigated presence of
Others no longer bound
By body and mind;
Humanity beyond
Our self-declared
Sense of entitlement.

I long to remain thus,
Saturated in the peace
That passes all understanding,
Yearning for permanent residence
Beyond the dull thud
Of passing trains,
Headline gore,
And power bereft of love.
I would remain
Suspended in febricity
If only I could remember
What accomplishment solidity serves,
And how to leave beloved souls
In the roots of the upside down tree.
I made the covenant to serve
So many lifetimes past..
Oh, but how I fall
And fail again,
Preferring the fever
After all.


Author's Note: I'm really sick right now and need to be well, but there is a quiet here that blocks the noise.

Posted on 12/23/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 12/23/07 at 01:45 PM

Oh Ali, I'm so sorry you're sick at Christmas time. Is it the flu, do you think? I've noticed when I'm very sick, and it's like the link to this world has faded more openness to the spiritual world. I had mono once that made me so sick and feverish and lasted for weeks (guess it was rougher on me because I don't have a spleen anymore) I really thought I was going to die. Know that somebody way down south is sincerely praying for your swift recovery! *big hugs, big sister!*

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 12/23/07 at 04:48 PM

Wow! Even when you are ill your words are masterful!

Posted by Rhiannon Jones on 12/23/07 at 05:02 PM

Sometimes sickness forces us into a needed state of suspension...I find it can help me re-prioritize. Thanks for this poem. Sending good thoughts....

Posted by Joan Serratelli on 12/25/07 at 06:39 PM

Sorry that you're not well, but you certainly madde the best of the feeling. Very powerful write!

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 12/26/07 at 06:57 AM

Wonderful essence of that detached feverish feeling... and the perspective it evokes. I recognize this... there are ather states like this too... like right after giving birth--where the line between solidity and air is indistinct...or after an anesthetic, the solid, sure sounds of life seem distant, especially at night... beautifully done. After your fever you will read this and say--it was worth it!

Posted by Lauren Singer on 01/15/08 at 12:34 AM

the second half of this piece drew me in and left me hanging on my breath.

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