

by Alison McKenzie

In the outskirts of my gray little matter,
On the periphery of neurologic byways -
Uncharted hi-ways -
Words roam,
Dance just beyond my vision,
Just out of intellectual reach -
A strip tease that never gets naked.

Random chases ensue,
End with me bent, gasping, out of breath;
And them giggling in the distance.

Once, I managed to tackle
One of the slippery escapees,
But it was so small,
So pitiful without its companions,
That I let it go
And warned it never to return
Unless it wanted a final resting place
In my annals.

Of course I’m hoping it returns,
With friends and family in tow.
I will dance then,
Tossing them into the air like happy confetti,
Watching them drift in joyful wind to the ground
Where I will, in solemn gait,
Gather every precious one, -
Finding its rightful home
Here -
In the far reaches of my universe;
Timeless lodging -
This is where the paper meets the road.


Posted on 12/02/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 12/05/07 at 07:16 PM

Whatever kite you fly, I am looking up into the sky for it from now on. Brilliant!

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/13/07 at 02:23 AM

Excellent expression of one's vocation. Not a word out of place. Well done!

Posted by Meghan Helmich on 11/02/11 at 08:54 PM

I love 'like happy confetti...'

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