
Not Me

by Alison McKenzie

The edges of my form
Begin to blur…

My children 23, 19, 17, 16, 16 and 16 -
Venturing out, testing their waters.
Their individual framework beginning to
Come into focus –
Music, poetry, philosophy;
Relationships, careers, parenthood –
All present,
Their own sharp lines being drawn
Against life’s azure sky.

My image blinks;
Not too often but
I know more will come,
And it startles me;
Tending my grandmother'’s graceful shuffle
As she begins to blend
Into the woodwork -
I know it'’s coming.

I write, wielding sharpened pen
Against the smudged margins
Of 45 years and counting,
Precision’s disintegration pressing me
Toward tomorrow’'s clarity
And wherever that journey takes me.

I cannot allow my duties to define me,
Gilt edge dulling my cushioned preference.
Who am I?
And what is it I'’m supposed to accomplish?
The years slipping through my fingers
Moments I seem unable to grasp
In a life of hourglass’ sand.
I feel myself fading
Against Life'’s azure sky
And I wonder how long
Before I am absorbed entirely
By the backdrop of all that is
Not me.


Author's Note: Thanks, Mary Frances, for the nudge to write this. I simply find that as my "roles" are changing, I seem to be preparing myself for an identity crisis of sorts. Luckily, I know myself well enough to comfort myself with the knowledge that I'll figure it out. Hehe.

Posted on 11/25/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/25/07 at 11:46 PM

hmmm, I feel this one deeply. The last four lines cap this off superbly.

Posted by Steven Kenworthy on 11/26/07 at 05:18 PM

a busy life can consume one very very fast. it's the balance and struggle that we use/endure during this process that proves who we truly are at the end of it all. powerful and meaningful write...by all means excellent.

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