
As She Lay Dying

by Alison McKenzie

As she lay dying
On her quilts at the foot of my bed,
The applause from the blaring TV downstairs
That my aging grandmother watches
Provides the usual background noise,
As if nothing is amiss,
On this bitter winter morning.

She quit eating days ago,
But rallies herself to take some water
Promptly throwing it back up -
Her digestive tract no longer functioning.
She manages to get up,
Stumbles to the back door,
Quivering from weakness,
Her hind legs unable to support
Even the wasted self she has become,
She makes it down the stairs to the yard
Where she manages to excrete something.
But on the way back up,
Her legs fail and she falls down
And can’t recover...

I carry her back up the stairs.
Cry on her behalf,
And on mine,
Shake my fist in the direction of
Whatever powers govern such sad events.
Surely she has suffered enough!
And I am unsure if I beg to be relieved
For her sake or my own.
There is not enough money
To pay for the kindness I wish I could afford her,
And I only know that the pain of my witness
Is nearly more than I can bear -
In a life screaming
For my energy to be spent elsewhere.

Yet I lay with her,
As she lay dying,
Stroke her fur
While she sighs breathfully,
And presses her sweet collie nose
Into the crook of my neck,
Asking questions I cannot answer.
I whisper that she is loved so very much
And it’s ok to let go -
God, please help her let go


Author's Note: May, the dog we rescued this last spring, is finally dying and it's just about more than I can bear. I'm waiting for the local private shelter to open up to see if they can possibly help with what needs to happen for her. I don't hate much, but I definitely despise the way having money or not having money is the difference between suffering or relief.

Posted on 11/20/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Glenn Currier on 11/24/07 at 05:56 AM

Alison, this is so sad. Collies are such beautiful animals. Bless you for rescuing her and for the love you have given. We have gone through so many animal deaths, but it never gets easy, and is always so gut-wrenching. The hard part is the feeling of powerlessness. Thanks for sharing. I wrote a poem about my little gray cat that died not too long ago. Thank God we did have the funds to have her put down. Peace be to you, my dear, and to this precious creature.

Posted by Charles M Harrison on 11/25/07 at 02:24 PM

It is never easy to loose a member of the family. Our beloved Buddy left us last year. He was a mut part golden retriever. We got him when our son was a baby. He was with us for 16 years and died in his sleep. You have my sympathies.

Posted by Erin Jones on 12/14/07 at 03:05 PM

Wow. If it takes anything to make me cry, it's the suffering of a pet. This was beautifully written and I'm sorry you have to go through that, I know how it feels.

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