
Renaissance Refrain

by Alison McKenzie

I am touched by your outstretched soul,
Lingering yet in this realm
To explore the depths of
Cavernous treasures others leave unbidden.

Sweet ressurection of suffering acumen,
Towering strength of enemies slain -
I see your shielded, graceful life unfold
And expand again.

Fodder in other times
The richest soil becomes,
And careful seeds planted yet to blossom
The fruit of wisdom's most arduous yearning.

How you happened upon my pitiful flicker
I'll never know for certain,
But I believe in miracles
And the birth of unions new.


Author's Note: This is for a friend of mine, Richard R. - here's to surviving cancer, finding laughter and the joyful songs of living life. Thank you for sharing a few moments of your precious journey with me.

Posted on 11/09/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/09/07 at 03:45 PM

This has such elegant language. One can almost feels this man's "alive" soul! I also like your contrasting "pitiful flicker". This is a lovely tribute.

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 11/12/07 at 06:51 PM

Isn't it amazing that we find strength in someone who's been through a debilitating disease and survived. Maybe it's the fact that they know secrets about life we haven't been privy to yet or may never be. This is such a tender a tribute to Richard - from whom you've learned as much as he got from your support.

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