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by Maria Massarella

a thorned bed
flowering the air
with its fragrance
divine heal a-

its petals of light
sailing night's breath glowing
notes of soft silences
to my soliloquy



Posted on 10/12/2007
Copyright © 2024 Maria Massarella

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Alisa Js on 10/13/07 at 01:55 AM

I, too love roses, especially lavendar ones... The petals and scent are to die for. Sweet and seductive, yet altogether innocent. Beautiful as always, Maria...aloha..;-)

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 10/13/07 at 03:36 AM

I think you pay them a good tribute with this. Beautiful work.

Posted by Kate Demeree on 10/13/07 at 01:15 PM

I am smiling... you brought a breath of loving spring to me. With a sweetly loving, and somehow tenative touch... thank you

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 10/14/07 at 12:57 AM

Ahhhh it's been said already so well. A rose by any other name touched by the magic of your words, gives fragrance more graciously than from a bush in full bloom!

Posted by Melissa Arel on 10/14/07 at 03:57 AM

you're amazing Maria!

Posted by JD Clay on 10/15/07 at 02:10 AM

The rose is a golden spiral. So too is your heart, your poem; neverending.

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 10/15/07 at 03:53 AM

Roses are one of my favorite flowers to photograph. All their varieties fascinate me. One of the most beautiful roses I've ever seen is one that is a varegated red and white on the petals. Another one of my favorite colors for a special reason are peach-colored roses. You make this beautiful flower come alive with sight and scent. So beautiful Maria.

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