Damn The Torpedos (This Is His Last Nap) by Amy WustrinHe was brave enough
For all of us
He possesed
The steel of a soldier
Ready for any battle
His years of service
Earned him the right
To fight for his life
One last time
He was brave enough
For all of us
He knew the dangers
And laughed it off
The inevitable truth was
We were losing him soon
One way or another
And he never was a man
Who knew the meaning of retreat
He was brave enough
For all of us
He made his choice himself
He bid us good-bye
And the doctors went to work
I gave in to a bottle
Everyone else gave in to waiting
And in the end
He gave in to the voice of God
Promising no more suffering
He was brave enough
For all of us
And I imagine
Christ himself
Must have saluted my grandfather
As he passed through those gates
He served his country
His family
And his God
With unparalleled dedication
Unafraid to dop the right thing
Time and time again
He was brave enough to live
He was brave enough to die
He was brave enough
For all of us
ANd we are brave enough
To remember him
No matter how it hurts 10/02/2007 Posted on 10/02/2007 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin