
45 Dancing Particles

by Alison McKenzie

The lipstick I never wear
Waits in the drawer gathering dust,
And lingerie that doesn'’t fit,
And faded wedding rings.

And I wonder with long, languid questions
About whatever is coming next,
And who I might turn into,
And sleep

No comfort for suffering hands that grasp
Empty tomorrows and
Nebulous internet encounters with no one,
And conversations with you.

And the religion I never swallowed
Blanches from the sunlight on the shelf.
And the religion I don’t understand -
Ejaculate on the floor of my bedroom

And I’'ve lived 45 years
To make no impression,
To love imperfectly,
To rail without consequence the anger
That feeds only space,
The nothing between the dancing particles
I am
While you are with me.


Posted on 09/21/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 09/21/07 at 04:31 PM

Thought provoking piece bouyed throughout by some very catchy lines. Nice one Alison!

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 09/21/07 at 06:48 PM

Hee hee I love especially that "ejaculate"- I remember that word from my religious upbringing... "A sudden short exclamation, especially a brief pious utterance or prayer" (though it's more common meaning more widely comes to mind)--exactly the point--it's a brilliant moment here. The way it stands it seems to serve as an adjective-- (which is inventive)-- "ejaculates" might serve well too. And yes, your poetry, your poetry, as Don so essentially points out, "has made an impression"!

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 09/22/07 at 03:07 AM

God, do I love that last stanza. Especially the first three or so lines. It's just really strong, really great stuff.

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