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Where one house turns into another

by Shirin Swift

Sunlight pecks out of my hand,
the wind gets under my feet
a tree dreams of its own descent
and I will make to bed.

Beneath the tree a girl writes songs
her shopping list is crying
a bird grabs berries by the neck
I’m too late for the ferry.

To be seen, the tree is dreaming,
by the girl who wears my shade
the girl thinks of another place
and taxies to the sun.

Gathering courage as it falls
It rises up to sing
I own a new pair of feet it thinks
in my journey to her side.

I long to tell it otherwise,
a tree so swayed and true,
but I am written out of such words
and frightened of such verse.


Author's Note: Moving house always makes me feel a little skittish.

Posted on 08/10/2007
Copyright © 2025 Shirin Swift

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 08/10/07 at 03:15 AM

WOW! I like this. I just moved, but only next door from where I lived. Yet, it is like I gave myself a chance to be other than what I used to be. Your images are unique, with the tree being the central image. A tree, a home - the wood that makes the foundations and beams. Excellent thoughts and flow.

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 08/10/07 at 03:26 AM

Me too. And I'm getting ready to do it again. This time, to the other side of the country. Nicely done. This struck a really good chord with me.

Posted by A. Paige White on 08/10/07 at 03:27 AM

I really like it too! I love how you scramble the images with alien actions. This was very enjoyable reading. Encore! Encore!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 08/10/07 at 03:56 AM

Most enjoyable images, every one! "taxis to the sun" just makes me chuckle. "Gathering courage as it falls It rises up to sing" - glorious wording here. Thank you!

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 08/14/07 at 10:16 AM

Your surreality is showing --the bold forward going, throw the rhymes and normality to the wind attitude within a normal looking form is heartwarming. Whatever you do, you won't succumb to normality--no matter what house you live in, and the world is better for that!

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