
Ocean Ridge (the bridge before your eyes)

by Bethany Lee

Ocean Ridge is a bridge
The hidden road before your eyes…
Terebithia, Timbuktu, Thailand, Tibet
Where it leads is up to you…

Watch the moon play peek-a-boo.
Join in streaking female sunlight,
Skyclad under sparks in the sky.
Momentary luminescence
While flame-dancers fly.
Drums quickening, swaying heartbeats.

Travel lightly to parallel lands.
Partake of European raspberry delights,
Dig your toes into moist sand.
While watching electricity collide,
Colors exploding -
Coinciding with melodic voices,
Coalescing harmony.

Sacred circles manifest.

Fire held the door ajar
And spoke of sea turtle eggs..

Draw on the walls,
write until the ink is dry…
Finger-paint on silken skin.
Create until the rainbows are gone…
Jog your way around the bend.
Go for a dip in dark ocean currents.
Watch the sun come up at dawn…

Just follow the breadcrumbs
And you’ll find your way Home
to the village of communal spirits
in Ocean Ridge,
the hidden bridge before your eyes.


Posted on 07/25/2007
Copyright © 2024 Bethany Lee

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Andrew S Adams on 10/06/07 at 01:31 AM

as you mentioned about the wordplay in my piece, this is absolutely delectable. every image is so well constructed, and the way you work that in with the alliteration is flawless.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 10/11/07 at 01:15 AM

A new way of looking at the use of the imagination! Colorful, bright with brain teasers!

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