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by Chris Sorrenti

             for Aiko Scott

disconnect the cilium of open logic
until its darkflow is removed
and there lies a paradox
of every feather and rock pillowing
queen of non-linear equations
her throne an eternal virgin pulsar
putting taste to the chaos

think hard till the egg is soft
but don’t fall prey, implode
so as to deter imagisensation
the aeon game of connect the dots
wolfing in from über staircase
where myriad galaxies cluster
to a precocious pearl necklace
answers individual
as those who dare ingest her riddles

if you think you have resolution
then by all means pass the gravy
though don’t be fearful
if in encounters ahead
it’s evaporated into pleasant mutation
it’s only her servants
stretched at playwork
giving chase to the eighth day of creation
that warrants no rise or setting sun

 photo BorcometRED2.gif

© 2003
Photo courtesy of the Net

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Posted on 07/06/2007
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Katerina T Nix on 07/07/07 at 01:42 AM

Just lovely, Chris. Well done. A very beautiful ode to another great writer. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Hugs, Kat oxo

Posted by Alisa Js on 07/07/07 at 08:49 PM

Very interesting and most descriptive... indeed.. aloha to you and yours from this side of paradise..;-)

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 07/08/07 at 11:44 AM

Ahhh the imponderable mystery of the universe! You've caught the immense cosmos and the microcosm as well! Cheers!

Posted by Bruce W Niedt on 07/10/07 at 02:15 PM

Mind-blowing yet playful ("imagisenation", "pass the gravy") - I enjoyed this little cosmic joyride.... d:-)

Posted by Laura Doom on 01/02/14 at 12:33 AM

You couldn't have chosen a source more inspirational than aiko--good one.

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