
What is Suffering?

by Alison McKenzie

There is suffering.
I seem to be on a quest to discover its value,
And the experiences are abundant.
I continually gather the data,
Compare it to other results.

I have not yet created a theory.

The ocean blue of your eyes
Draws me into another vortex.
The knife is drawn
And then the plunge,
But I lean in -
Feeling the blade dissect
My inner sanctum,
Sure that there is a reason
For pain and I wish to know.

I beg of you,
Please do not be the inflictor.
A condition I cannot bear.
My cells are full of data already
And I wish to rest before the next attack.

The truth is that
I would live a thousand lives
Full of the deepest misery
To feel the cool relief
Of your gentle hand upon my face.
And I’m not certain,
But I suspect,
One follows the other in natural succession.

What is suffering
But the upside down fruit of living
In the material realm,
Sent to balance the karmic flow
Of the universe.
I’m certain I agreed to discover the answer,

But I have not yet created a theory.


Posted on 06/04/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 06/05/07 at 01:14 AM

You're in my prayers, sweetheart. I know that doesn't help alot sometimes when you're in that valley of suffering, but I'm praying God will meet you there as never before. Big hugs from down south.

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 06/05/07 at 02:47 AM

Well, if writing's worth a damn, I think you're in good shape.

Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 06/06/07 at 12:18 PM

beautifully written.

Posted by Kyle Anne Kish on 06/11/07 at 10:26 PM

"What is suffering But the upside down fruit of living" ... I love this theory and the way you expressed it. The whole poem sadly represents what we put ourselves through when we are 'ga ga' in love. It's important that it's reciprocated as well as given. Great storytelling, Alison.

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