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o, to be lost.

by Andrew S Adams

o, to be lost inside of this dream;
to know not a thing of the day
to wake up and wonder at all that there is
and let everyone go where the may;

o, to be lost inside of the mind,
with thoughts that cant escape
wandering aimless in words til we sleep
and wandering more once we wake

o, to be lost when the journey is frightful
when feet grow weary of ground
to explore and be happy with whatever happens
hoping to never be found;

and o, to be certain that there is a truth
hidden beyond the walls;
that behind broken hearts lies a hope that holds on
that love will conquer it all;

and o, to be lost when this isn't the case
when in the end there's no love;
to not understand the statement of fact
that all is not as it once was;

and o, to be lost when there is an end
to a journey so joyous and great;
that beginning again is unthinkable
after finding the meaning of fate.


Posted on 05/21/2007
Copyright © 2024 Andrew S Adams

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