One Big Mistake by Jeffrey ParrenI made one of the worst decisions
and came out enlightened.
Just like Andy Dufresne,
the feeling of freedom and ease.
I drank on my lunch break.
I drank to my ability's end.
I walked back to work
to only get sick in the bathroom.
I woke up knowing I had to call
my managers to find the outcome;
whether or not I had a job.
I woke up with a new heart, anyway.
The last few weeks have been rough.
Anticipating Mother's Day
without her for number three,
the dread of it all amounted.
Work has been negative city.
Since the few good left,
we now endure tumultuous days
self-confidence breaking nights.
I can only endure so much
battery and downplaying
of my abilities so that at one point
I break down completely.
This was that instance.
I made a mistake, will apologize
with the hopes of keeping my job,
but also with them knowing,
things need to change. I will
be the one who makes them happen.
I lost my mind for an hour yesterday
drinking three martinis.
I woke up today, a new man.
Reborn into the same body,
into the same situation,
but with the ease of a newborn. 05/16/2007 Author's Note: I will work there, but on my own terms and defending my side of things as well as that of others that have been wrongly battered by newly appointed "assistants" who only beat us down mimicing the negative rants of idiots before them.
Posted on 05/16/2007 Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 05/16/07 at 04:28 AM Kick some ass, man. Well done indeed. |
Posted by Kyle Anne Kish on 05/19/07 at 03:34 AM This poem has such emotion and imagery, Jeffrey. I could actually see you bogged down by memories of Mother's Day past, your job and just throwing your hands up in the air and saying ... well, you know. In the end, you came out a stronger person. Those mini-breakdowns can sometimes be a blessing. :) |