
at arms length

by Shonda Creemer

if i stop believing in you
will you cease to be?

the ghost in my head

i've dreamt of you
i've dreamt of us

to wake up
and find you watching me
the mirror to my soul

would i then be watching myself?

i keep the lamp beside my bed burning
so i can see your face
when that moment becomes inherent

warm my sheets


Author's Note: you don't always have to see to believe

Posted on 04/10/2007
Copyright © 2024 Shonda Creemer

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 04/10/07 at 03:35 AM

I like that. Very nicely, warmly stated.

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 04/14/07 at 03:36 AM

Shon, you've put in words the thoughts of any woman who would like to have manly companionship and never stops believing it will happen.

Posted by Alex Chambers on 02/09/08 at 02:43 AM

I enjoyed this. Good job.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 03/14/15 at 10:11 AM

I like this poem a lot. It has wonderful qualities in it all to do with charm.

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