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I, Yarn

by Jeffrey Parren

I am a ball of yarn
stretched out
so that I reach
across rooms
the world once over
in the effort to do it all
be something
I need patience and time for
but can't wait to become it
because then I can be happy
and then I can find the substance
to fill in the emptiness that life has been
since my mother was taken too soon from me.

Reaching out for women
of all types
tall, short, blonde, blue eyes
maybe that one
or what about that girl right there?
Incredible that the variety is present
but the value still only reaches my knees
as I am kneeling down praying to a God I don't believe in
hoping that some weird miracle will happen and I find her
and we live happily ever after, growing old together.

Sitting together in the livingroom
doing our own things but together.
Me reading the news.
She crocheting my every being
into something ever so beautiful
because of all those people I once was
she was the one who over-undered them all back
into one ball of me.
The only way I think to repay her
is to watch her as she works that magic
and at that moment when she realizes I am watching
shoot a glance in her direction
to know she is so loved by this ball
that once was stretched out to all limits
frayed and lonely.


Author's Note: Well, aren't the words flowing.

Posted on 03/22/2007
Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Deborah S Regan on 03/25/07 at 06:54 PM

I never thought of yarn being atheist, but seriously, I've got a poem called "I, Mop," it's interesting how it's similar and different.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 05/22/07 at 11:43 AM

this poem bends its bow and aims its dart toward the heart and the heart is the gladder and the wiser for having that dart received.

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