
Door of Decision

by Alisa Js

having skated through seasons
of youthful indulgence,
toward pastures of learned apperception,
some may say wisdom
others, naivete
pitfalls of the human existence...

there are furrowed desires
tossed to the sideline,
visible vaguely through misty memorials
quiet and still,
we look in amazement
and marvel with bittersweet remembrance ...

are we wiser for wear
or simply worn,
standing at this door of decision
I have walked along this road of regret
for the last time,
and will not tarry much longer ...

give me joy filled with bright breaks
not torrents of rain,
I've had it with downpours
at least for today ...


Posted on 03/02/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alisa Js

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 03/03/07 at 03:55 PM

Beautiful, wonderful sadness. I like it a lot.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 03/03/07 at 04:21 PM

Aptly worded "moving on" piece. Loads of spiritualism here that I'm sure we all can relate to in our own way.

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