Ode To My Sister (And myself, and john a little too, somehow) by Amy WustrinDo you know what it's like
When you just can't get high enough?
Do you know what it's like
When there's nothing you can do
Because no one will listen?
This bag is getting lighter
But my head is still so heavy
Thoughts of every broken heart
I tried to fix but couldn't
And every broken heart of mine
That was never the same again
She may emerge triumphant
And succeed at everything she does
To spite them
Or, she may crumble
As I do daily
And always feel undeserving and worthless
They're really taking a gamble
With a young girl's delicate life
And they don't seem to mind at all
They just hope they win
I don't know what to say
Or who the fuck to say it to
I just know it isn't fair
And somehow, it has to end
She is her own person
Whether they like it or not
That was decided without them
She's so afraid to let it through
That she bleeds it out
And cleans it up
And struggles to conform
To their picture perfect ideal
The scars are real
And in your face
She can't stand it
But to stand up for herself
Would make her a very bad girl
So she shows them
Exactly what they've done to her
And still they will not budge
They will not adjust
They will never admit they were wrong
They will never know her as she is
And neither will she
And neither will I
They don't see the tragedy in that
Doesn't a child deserve better?
Do you know what it's like
When you just cant get high enough?
This is my sister's story
And in many ways
It is mine too 01/26/2007 Posted on 01/27/2007 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin