I Offered You Paradise, But You Chose Hell by Amy WustrinI will deny you
As Peter to Christ
I never knew you
There was never anything between us
Not a word
Not a glance
Not a tender embrace
But not out of fear
As the good Apostle acted
Oh no. You don't scare me
You disgust me is all
As lowly as a serpent
You, the least of Christ's people
But I treated you as He would want me to
When no one else could be bothered
And you returned my kindness
With the harshness of your dead black heart
For your selfishness and coldness
You are now cast out
From the Garden of my Eden
ANd just as Adam and Eve lost Paradise forever
So Shall you never have it again
Toil the Earth
Slither around the rest of your days
Searching for some scrap of something
That you can pretend you don't wish
Was me instead
But know that any busybody
Who wants to ask about me and you
Will be met with a puzzled axpression
And a lie I wish I didnt have to tell
"I'm sorry, John who?
You must have the wrong girl
I dont think I know anybody by that name."
But hey, it could be worse
Than pretending it never happened.
At least i'm not telling them
That you have the HIV.
(But thats *her* job, now, isnt it?) 01/26/2007 Posted on 01/27/2007 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin