

by Alisa Js

reading your words
I feel you,
thinking your thoughts
I want to be there
more than you know
more than mere words can convey
on a page
you know it, too ...

you fuel this desire in me
nothing compares
to the flame you ignite in my soul,
my every heartbeat is all around you
I know that you know,
it will always be true
as long as there's a me and a you ...

you inspire me to greatness
this sweetness from your soul,
calling to me
I wait for the day we sip from the vine
of our love,
always and forever ...


Author's Note: inspired by a poem I read today...*sigh*

Posted on 12/27/2006
Copyright © 2024 Alisa Js

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 12/28/06 at 03:10 AM

Yeah! What T. said... what poem? come on.... tell us.... Your response was obviously inspired.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/28/06 at 03:34 PM

Yes, one can only imagine who and what inspired this, and yet at the same time be happy that it's such a positive response.

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