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by Maria Terezia Ferencz

in what condition is this heart
torn ripped shredded
pulled apart
in what condition is this mind
calm collected quiet sublime
in what conditions do they meet
in darkened alleys
deserted streets
hallowed places
sacred stills
in flower scents
through window sills
to travel back
over these hills
I'm climbing


Author's Note: I am still.....climbing

Posted on 10/27/2006
Copyright © 2024 Maria Terezia Ferencz

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 10/27/06 at 10:56 PM

Hi Maria. Hey, I love this little poem! Nice job...and please, do keep climbing! Thanks.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/28/06 at 02:59 AM

I really like this! Great beat, shape, thought. Nice job!

Posted by Leslie Ann Eisenberg on 10/29/06 at 06:13 AM

in what conditions do they meet? indeed. the heart and mind, my favorite battle, my favorite poetic subject. effective line breaks and repetition. love this line - sacred stills..so much hope here, so much possibility. a beautiful, and memorable read. PK

Posted by Frank Lee on 11/01/06 at 03:42 AM

i like how if you look at the structure and start with the bottom line, the poem itself actually climbs, the lines get longer. overall, a really nice rhythym to the poem with a nice ending. im climbing too.

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