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by George Hoerner

I've seen the worst minds
of my generation
creep into high places
not with stealth but
as those with the arrogance
that only they know
what is right and wrong
as those with the misunderstanding
that Americans can't accept the truth

they brought with them
those who knew how to say
yes sir, yes sir
and with them the concept
that there is nothing wrong
with the misuse of power

they watch the bright light
reflected in their minds mirror
and they see themselves as
glorious pillars, the saviors of mankind
while in fact they only scratch and claw
to maintain and wield
their positions of power

the moguls of oil
and political bandits
having stolen an election
they all come to say
we protect and serve

as generals feed on
the conflict of terrorists
and those in power
perpetrate their own form
of economic terror
better known as starvation
while they bestow on their favorites
the golden gray apple
of atomic energy

proclaiming democracy they
meet behind soundproof doors
to plot the next tragedy
the next assassination or coop
and the next law designed to
increase control over people
who by waving flags believe
they are free as they
sing their form of freedom

while onward Christians
rings through the church halls
on Sunday to hide the
abortion clinic bombing or
the torching of another
black church and they
protect their truth by
checking library lists and
internet search lists

finding nothing they change direction
to cut down another few
million acres of timber in the name of progress
using unintelligent design to impress
those who question nothing
as they add questioning
to their list of the unpatriotic acts

they continue the tribal diatribe
against the un and under employed
leaving young mothers
to fend for themselves
while profiting from
the tragedy of others

they push schools to uneducate
those who would be educated
controlling reality
they classify unclassified information
to hide truth from themselves
like the ostrich they hide news
that might be distasteful
so the public will at all times
be in no danger of having
to think for themselves

they steadfastly declare
they knew nothing
which is closer to the truth
than they understand
history itself may or may not
recognize the unreality of
this changing of centuries
this return to tribal rule


Posted on 10/27/2006
Copyright © 2024 George Hoerner

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/27/06 at 04:16 PM

I like your calm, dead-on assessment. I had not thought of this as tribal rule - something for me to think about. Oh yeah, vote!!!

Posted by Maria Terezia Ferencz on 10/27/06 at 11:37 PM

Yessssssss tribal masks change, but the mind set remains the same. Only the "tribe" can change this.

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