The Instant by Lacy D PhillipsIf we two could just discuss
our options for always...
If I could but facillitate the fall,
I'd make your pleasure my life's work
and your life's work my greatest pleasure
as it is already and has been
since instantly and irrevocably,
attended by shivers,
I attained your stillness -
the stillness of falling
at terminal velocity.
Every follicle on my body
stood an ovation.
Allover stunned,
eyes entranced,
engaged in avoidance.
From deep in transcendence
echoes of the moment
encapsulated in melody
locked all my existence
away in so few words.
Though inundated by emotion,
I was deprived of expression,
of even slightest movement,
else I'd have formed these words:
I'd like for us to be a we. 09/11/2006 Author's Note: All my expectations weren't merely met, they were so far exceeded as to cause utter elation. But here I go waxing poetic again.
Posted on 09/11/2006 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips