The 1st Noble Constant by Lacy D PhillipsSmall kindesses - like warm smiles
over the steaming rims of coffee mugs -
diffuse my sense of suffering
but do not ease the vile attachments
abhorrent to my serenity.
I still crave meaning.
I cling to belief.
And I still defer to my 'self'
however non-existant.
You argue that the only constant is change.
But God is a constant. The Constant.
Suffering also. This is a truth. The First Truth.
But I will allow for change
to supercede suffering
in that our mode of suffering
is in a state of constant flux.
I will grant you that. 08/11/2006 Posted on 08/11/2006 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Jared Fladeland on 08/11/06 at 06:35 PM Hmm. How about. Instead of a series of small kindnesses.. I offer you a gigantic kindness.. Like, I remodel your house for you.. Or I cook you the most amazing dinner of your life for a month? Or I end world hunger for you.. hmm. Would that change your point of view? |
Posted by Maria Terezia Ferencz on 08/15/06 at 12:56 AM The first noble constant is indeed suffering I agree with you whole heartedly. Nice statement. |