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eating your words

by Bet Yeldem

i take your words
dip them in honey
consume each syllable

i slowly
roll my tongue
against the roof
of my mouth
saliva mixing
with phrases of love
in an effort to taste
every drop of their meaning

taffy sweet
rich textured connotations
bite after bite

every morsel is as precious
as a feast
for a starving nation
my belly was empty
you nourished me
famine ravaged my soul

bring your sugar
coated spoon
to my lips again
give me the sustenance
of my days
i am hungry
i eat your words
and am filled


Author's Note: written upon re-reading old mail

Posted on 08/07/2006
Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Maria Terezia Ferencz on 08/07/06 at 01:42 AM

I do this, but could never have put it so brilliantly....I love this one, into favorites it goes.

Posted by Vere Mantratriad on 08/10/06 at 05:04 AM

Absolutely lovely...I love both the idea and the execution. Very well done. :)

Posted by Deborah Breuer on 04/27/07 at 10:57 PM

A great write. As poets, we all think this but it's hard to put the concept into words, at least ones that taste so good. Congrats, and be proud. Debbie

Posted by Rowan Luis on 05/03/07 at 10:39 PM

wow, this is just so vivid, i love it. it makes me taste the honey and want to hear such words. the imagary is brilliant.

Posted by JD Clay on 05/19/07 at 01:16 PM

Now there is some chewy stuff! Killer first stanza but every line worth savoring. Congratulations on becoming The Passionate Poet Of The Day.

Posted by Kyle Anne Kish on 05/19/07 at 03:38 PM

"... i eat your words and am filled" ... such a fitting ending. Your running descriptions and emotions had me from the first line. Beautifully written and I think we can all relate in one way or another. Congratulations on your POTD. Well deserved.

Posted by Kerowyn Rose on 08/04/12 at 02:55 PM

This gave me shivers... it is going in my favorites. :-) Thanks for sharing!

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