

by Mary Ellen Smith

This smiling boy,

happy baby

turning everyone's world into his own.

Paws like a big puppy.

What a big boy you will be.

Some day.

But for now

lay heady gramma's shoulder

and I will sing you a song.


Author's Note: My grandson has turned eight months old. He smiles all the time...such a dear.

Posted on 07/08/2006
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charles E Minshall on 07/09/06 at 04:31 AM

They are such a joy at that age. Spoil him and then send him home....Charlie

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 07/15/06 at 10:16 PM

Written (spoken) in true "grammaese". Takes me back....and it's a pleasant trip! Thanks. G

Posted by Melissa Arel on 08/03/06 at 03:25 PM

Well of course he's perfect, he shares my son's name! ;-) Gotta love the Grandma in you! xoxo

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