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To Easton

by David R Spellman

In lingering heat of summer’s sun
We once again begin our runs
And wind our way along your streets
Familiar faces we hope to greet
While autumn colors quietly fall
We continue on our daily calls
Leave you waving at the door
Keep them safe you do implore
With winter comes the snow and ice
Road conditions not often nice
Times we must take special care
A load we do not lightly bear
Ah, the spring arrives at last
Chasing away long winter’s blast
Bringing forth the earth’s rebirth
Longer days and youthful mirth
And with the school year winding down
We still continue through your town
Bittersweet those final days
For we must go our parted ways
Not only through your streets we’ve wound
But to your families we’ve been bound
Remember that within our hearts
We’ll miss you ‘til the new year starts


Author's Note: A tribute to school bus drivers everywhere and to the people of Easton, CT for whom I have had the pleasure to serve and know.

Posted on 06/25/2006
Copyright © 2024 David R Spellman

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mara Meade on 06/26/06 at 12:54 AM

Loved the slow but steady pace of this, and the pictures you paint of what you knew and know of this route... I find it kind and inviting. Lucky kids, to ride your bus...

Posted by JD Clay on 06/28/06 at 01:10 AM

If you have the same way with people as you do with words like these, it's no wonder they love you there. Gently wave! pe4ce...

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 07/09/06 at 03:20 PM

A pleasantly unexpected tribute Dave. Hope you shared this with the drivers!

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