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Carefully Crafted Disguises

by Chris Sorrenti

My sex keeps me awake at night
waiting for the mail to arrive
with latent images
from across the border
wearing carefully crafted disguises

I gave up questioning the how and why
a long long time ago
it was there when I checked out of the womb
wearing a carefully crafted disguise

By the age of five I’d unwrapped myself
but no one with it to share
until years later
upon answering an ad
the mail started arriving

Now others come to call
I’ve never met before
we compare one another’s discoveries
with the camera that never stops rolling

For friends I’ll never meet face to face
their sex keeping them awake at night
waiting for the mail to arrive
with latent images
from across the border
wearing carefully crafted disguises

© 1997

1,810 hits as of July 2024


Author's Note: Based on the pre-Internet phenomenon of people buying camcorders and making homemade pornography, then trading/selling it with/to others. Written in the first person to add impact.

Posted on 06/15/2006
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ronald A Pavellas on 06/15/06 at 03:52 PM

enjoyed the imagery, Chris

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 06/16/06 at 07:45 PM

Virtually Erotic

I think you have a body (since you complain about aches and pains). You're probably used to having one. But I know you only as the strength of your poetic imagination sending shivers through mine. (kw) c.2006

Posted by Christel Crews on 06/20/06 at 02:18 AM

what a clever, interesting piece!!! i just had to reread it, because it left me speechless the first time... the second stanza just blew me away

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