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2 Dots Over the A, No E.

by Lisa Marie Brodsky

It occurred to me as the coffee cup
made a ring around the word
“captive” in the NY Times
that life is mildly funny.
Maybe decaf funny, for it’s always
the root that grows from the sidewalk

that trips me up.
Just like how the little boy
with the guitar at the end of the counter
might be the next John Mayer. Decaf.
No, that would be irony.

A trip over that root would be if my ex
came through the door.
The trip would be me out the back door,
the coffee ring the only remnant of me.

No, the trip would actually be us meeting
up in the alley, him fighting off a gang
of thugs and saying I looked beautiful

in my torn plum-colored shirt.
It matches your eyes, he’d note.
I’d smile back, even though
my eyes look nothing like plums,
but he’s so dang cute.

It occurred to me as I traced my finger
around the coffee ring that the word
“captive” sounded rather comforting
and that, once, I had seen the word -

torn and beautiful - as in cäptiv, two dots over
the a, no e.


Author's Note: refers to the book "Captiv" is by S. Marie.

Posted on 01/03/2006
Copyright © 2024 Lisa Marie Brodsky

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 01/24/06 at 11:38 PM

I do not know the book Captiv by S. Marie, but I do like this poem, from the "decaf funny", the coffee ring to the "root that grows from the sidewalk that trips me up". Your last stanza makes me think of the cliche - 'coffee, please, two sugars, no cream'.... which means nothing except what came to my mind at that moment.

Posted by Jared Fladeland on 07/08/06 at 03:38 PM

This was niftilicious. imagining all that could be from the world around you, and hoping. I think we need that hope, that all the mundane things COULD be great someday? Hmm.

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