
Once upon a midnight scary

by Mary Ellen Smith

Once upon a midnight scary came something fuzzy, dark and hairy.

Round about the pumpkin patch, trick or treaters heard a little scratch.

“Did you hear that?” they asked each other. One ran home to tell his mother.

Slowly then they turned to see what that scratching sound could be.


The air was damp that tricker’s night, eerily lit with blue moonlight

And the kids forgot their sugar seeking in the pumpkin patch as they went sneaking.

They snuck on past the pumpkin vines, past pumpkin rows of every kind.

Staying close they made their way lest one of them should go astray.


Like a ghost one kid was dressed and being brave he tried his best

To lead the others through to see what that scratching sound could be.

The princess in her crown and cape saw a little fuzzy shape.

"At the end of the last pumpkin row. Right there!" she screamed. “ By the scarecrow!”


The scarecrow lifted up his head. “Why, hello there.” was all the kids heard said.

They scrambled left and scrambled right and ran off scared into the night.

The scarecrow shook his head of hay, “Oh dear.” Was all that he could say.

“Meow, meow” said his fuzzy friend as he scratched and tried there to befriend.


Sometimes the trickers get a treat. Something yummy good to eat.

And sometimes perhaps a little fright unexpected in the night.

You see them every Halloween; yes that is when the kids are seen.

Up and down a lighted street, they knock on doors and Trick or Treat!


Posted on 10/10/2005
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 10/11/05 at 11:25 AM

LOL!! Great Halloween fun in verse!

Posted by Melissa Arel on 10/12/05 at 04:10 PM

You totally need to write a children's book Mary Ellen. I'll be the first to buy one! Your poemstories are just too good to keep on here. You should share them with the world! :)

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 11/01/05 at 05:03 AM

Great poem Mar. I agree about the book....Charlie

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