
Hey There cowboy (Bush lovers Beware)

by Kristi Paik

this job cant be fun for you anymore
theres no more money to spend
youve used it all up
you cant start another war...
you used up all the kinghorses
and the kingsmen
(I personally would say boys not men)
and the rest has become you and your familys
worst nightware: helping the poor.
cubbards bare, credit cards maxed out
and no is speaking to you: Mission Accomplished.

It's about time you do what you always do:
Lose interest and Walk away.
Just as you did with your military service,
your oil company, your baseball team.
try the next adventure
how about an astronaut
blast away and dont return

You say as President
there is so much more you can
involved you and our country in.
I say
If you truly love America, please don't.

I understand theres a lot to do
Getting rid of taxes for yatchs and multi-million dollar companies
social security to Fanny Mae,
not allowing technology to save lives,
imposing religion upon a "FREE NATION"
banning lovers to unite as one

Under your reign we have lost so much more than we have gained:
all our allies,
four airliners,
Two Trade Towers,
a piece of the Pentagon,
and the historic city of new orleans...
Think thats just luck?
I think not.


Author's Note: Inspired after seeing quite a comedic man...If anyone else caught it, they know what I'm talking about.

Posted on 10/04/2005
Copyright © 2024 Kristi Paik

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