
A Silly String of Words

by Ronald A Pavellas

“Norma, I am Ron”
Said I, palindromically

But the soul of wit is Irony, Ronnie
So get wit’ it already

I, Ron, am ironing my shirt;
Just one I-ron in my fire is ready

I am always Ron or Ronnie,
Name-born that way
By Mom, star-struck by Coleman, Ronald
Not Reagan, Ronnie, that youngster

I almost was John or Alexander
By name, that is

But I am always me by whatever handle known
So take a look at me and make up your own



Posted on 09/10/2005
Copyright © 2024 Ronald A Pavellas

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 06/15/06 at 04:15 PM

Playful...fun...funny read Ron. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. :o)

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