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Big Easy Woes (rondeau)

by David R Spellman

Big Easy woes become replete
far from the curbs of Bourbon Street,
with levees bursting from the strain
releasing hordes of Pontchartrain,
Katrina’s wrath not yet complete.

Sweltering sun and Creole heat,
no swinging jazz or Cajun beat,
just cries for help and anguished pain –
Big Easy woes.

Water rising around their feet,
no rooftop rescues did they meet,
hungover from that hurricane,
a sewer waiting just to drain,
as crescent moon wanes in defeat –
Big Easy woes.


Posted on 09/03/2005
Copyright © 2024 David R Spellman

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mary Ellen Smith on 09/03/05 at 03:46 AM

This is a perfect poem for New Orleans...it has the song of the city in it....and the pain too.

Posted by Max Bouillet on 09/04/05 at 02:14 PM

Nicely said with a highly appropriate form. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 09/04/05 at 02:30 PM

Very good poetic snapshot David. Goes well with Quentin's own reflection. Thanks also for your comment on my latest.

Posted by Paganini Jones on 09/07/05 at 01:09 AM

Yes. The tight form works well with the subject matter. It lends an air of restraint that is so much more powerful than something more graphic. I am glad you were able to write of this tradgedy.

Posted by Meghan Helmich on 09/15/08 at 02:56 PM

i agree with all of the above comments. this has great rhythm and the meaning is perfect. even the rhyme works - it doesn't belittle the subject matter at all. good job, david!

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