
The Culprit is the Hand

by Ashok Sharda

A word hit me the other day evoking
laughter when uttered by someone
the word refusing to ride on the back
of my subjective word-experience, the
expression taking refuge in my association

A word meaning 'fool' cut the other
deep, generating hatred and
pushed me once deep into my seat
catapulting me into a bracket that
initiates a new beginning

A word meaning ‘ugly’ when
uttered on the streets expresses
immense joy in moments of beauty
though still fails to communicate the
depth of my intended intensities

In the beginning there was just WORD
but not the ‘word’ so empty depending
on the subjective experience looking
askance towards the one transmitting
meaning altered at the receiving end

WORD, in essence, is everything
evolving WHAT IS from nothing
emanating in everything vibrating
leave WORD to the power that be
before everything turns into nothing

Words are knives
innocent and blameless
held in those hands who
may cut pieces of cucumber
for a healthy breakfast or
pull out your intestines
opening a hole in your abdomen

The knife is harmless
the culprit is the hand...


Author's Note: Authors note: Incidentally, I happened to read some discussions on the 'word' in the general forum which invoked these lines I arranged to look like a poem.

Posted on 06/12/2005
Copyright © 2025 Ashok Sharda

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rula Shin on 06/15/05 at 08:40 PM

Indeed it is “the hand” that is culprit and not the knife. The hand and not the pen, the mind and not the mouth as you so clearly show us, “a word hit me the other day evoking laughter when uttered by someone…refusing to ride on the back of my subjective word experience, the expression taking refuge in my association” – indeed, it’s not the word that gives meaning but the association that the receiver/interpreter has with the word, the context, AND its speaker. This is a very important observation in the sense that two people may have slightly different definitions of the word ‘fool’ to begin with, but on top of this when it’s uttered in a certain context it may change, and yet again when it's uttered by someone specific in a certain context it may change yet again diverging more and more each time…here the word ‘fool’ has now gone from one written definition, to two altered personal definitions based on personal word experiences, to yet two more altered definitions based on the association with the context and then again with the person uttering the word, “a word meaning ‘ugly’…expresses immense joy in moments of beauty” – yes, one word uttered in one context by one person can mean something entirely different when uttered in another context and by another person. This, in a way, is sad and in a way is beautiful. Beautiful in the sense that we can alter our word experiences by associating them as and when we please with just a little effort and intention. Sad in the sense that the meaning of words is so fleeting, words being so overused, abused, and thrown around without any real thought as to what one is doing. Our words then lose their meaning, their significance, their originally intended beauty or originally intended ugliness (their originally intended meaning) and communication in the form of written/spoken word becomes so difficult over time as language becomes more vague and more distorted, so utterly subjective. Still, words are not and never were a manifestation of WHAT IS, but only an interpretation of the interpretation of the projection of WHAT IS, “in the beginning there was just WORD but not the ‘word’ so empty depending on the subjective experience looking askance towards the one transmitting meaning altered at the receiving end” – yes, the objective truth is always present somewhere within the subjective truth whether we see it or not, whether or not we catch a glimpse and decide to TRY to share that glimpse, or just keep it to ourselves, for true poetry/art (which I believe is a synonym for objective truth) is not contained within the word but only within that sometimes used synonym “WORD…evolving WHAT IS from nothing emanating in everything vibrating” – the manifestation of which is not contained within our man-made constructs whatever those may be, but rather, in a being’s moment of true presence, this is where the glimpse is sensed, where a being simply IS the experience. The “poem” is always present, preassembled, but I may yet fail to assemble it in whatever man made form I choose since I am not present before it. This poem of yours ashok, though so simply stated, so clear and defined, speaks on a subject that people so often have a very hard time talking about with any definitive conclusion or conclusion as we so clearly witnessed on the forums recently. But to me, your conclusion will forever be what I see so clearly as the truth on this level of my knowledge and that is that, “The knife is harmless the culprit is the hand...” – I love this and agree in every sense and meaning of that word hahaha ;-) Highest marks to you.

Posted by Rula Shin on 06/15/05 at 09:18 PM

One thing I forgot to add which is implied but too important not to just outright say and that is that INTENTION is very important here. The knife is innocent yes. It is what the hand INTENDS that is significant and I think, obvious from what you say Ashok. It's more difficult to gut a man accidentally when you're using it to cut cucumbers for a salad, than it is to gut a man when you are really trying to gut him. Words are the same and we should use them wisely, carefully, and always with GOOD intention since bad intention is what will no doubt turn the knife/word into a weapon. You can claim also not to intend anything at all positive or negative but just being and doing when you simply just fling the knife around in front of another's face and up into the air testing out your motor skills in the space surrounding their head...but then when that knife accidentally slices the other's eye then I'd have to point out the outcome of misusing a tool (within the other's boundaries) meant to simplify the making of a meal and not meant for the sake of self amusement/indulgence, which, by the way, IS intention after. Ok I'm done haha

Posted by Rula Shin on 06/15/05 at 09:19 PM

last line is "after all" - ok now I'm REALLY done I swear!! ;-)

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 06/16/05 at 11:25 AM

Word here used in two different frames or references I think. The word as expressed in written or oral speech which can be used to edify or destroy. And the WORD as Creator or the Creator's expression. Thus ST. John spoke of the Word (LOGOS) who came and dwelt among us in reference to Jesus, the Christ.

Posted by Michele Schottelkorb on 06/16/05 at 05:11 PM

indeed, my favourite teacher here... the hand is the culprit, dear... this form is slightly different for you, and i am very impressed with the subtle flow of WORD usage *smile*... well put, and true to the bloody bone... blessings...

Posted by Graeme Fielden on 06/17/05 at 12:45 AM

this is a wonderful exposition / explaination Ashok. Indeed, words themselves, are merely ordered strings of letters...it's their barer that carries their intent

Posted by Max Bouillet on 06/18/05 at 12:29 AM

Yes, but even though the knife is not to blame, is it a wise practice to arm the hateful or the oblivious? Great verse that does get one to think! :)

Posted by Glenn Currier on 06/19/05 at 06:04 PM

Oh, you provoker, you! See what you do to us who read your word. You slice into the ordinariness of our days and draw the ample blood of thought... which we then throw back at you and allow you to hand-le them as you will. What a clever and intelligent transforming of a conversation of dispirate individuals into an artful whole!

Posted by Patricia J Reed on 06/22/05 at 05:49 AM

Not musch else to say here - except that i really liked this piece. especially "Words are knives innocent and blameless" it's simply true and well put. i like. patti

Posted by Joan Serratelli on 04/13/06 at 03:58 PM

Very thought provoking piece. Yes, indeed, the culprit is the hand. The knife cannot act on it's own; quite harmless on it's own, BUT, in someone's hand, a different story. The last 2 lines say it all.

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