Dreamin Old Dreams, Wishin Old Wishes by Amy WustrinSo Tomorrow is June 12th, I guess.
A Sunday in 2005.
It was a Tuesday in 2001.
How am I still so haunted by this all?
Becuase I loved you.
Because I still do.
How can I not, I guess?
I know it was all for the best.
But that's about all I really know.
I hope you dont mind that I think of you so much, even still.
It's just, I cant help it.
I dont mean to be wierd or creepy or anything.
I feel like a pathetic fool for this, if you really want to know.
For holding onto this so strong.
But you have to understand.
I had never felt it before.
And I havent felt it since.
And it means so much to me that I got that chance.
I'm glad it was you.
You knew me so well,
so quickly,
and so bravely.
And you didnt let it stop you.
Except where you knew you had to.
And that was a sacrafice we both made
For each other.
It's the reason I can look back
And still recall you fondly
Even if it is with a bittersweet mix
Of tears and gratefulness
And love and loss.
Author's Note: I stole the title from a Racal Flatts song called "These Days." Please don't sue me, Gary LeVox
Posted on 06/11/2005 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Erin Eymard on 06/12/05 at 04:07 AM Nicely done, Amy. I know the feeling all too well. Sooner or later though, we let go of those feelings. Otherwise we wither away. |