Wah Wah Wah by Amy WustrinSitting in my car
By the seawall in the early evening
The sun still shining like hell
But falling, falling, falling
To the distant horizon
The tide is rushing in
As feverishly as i rushed out
All I want is to get out of this town
And here is the majestic Hudson River
Compelled by gravity, bound by nature
To settle on its shores
Sure, in the morning she'll retreat
It's her dance, her courtship with the sand
But she always comes back for more
That fucking fool
Run, river, run
Disappear into the Atlantic
Maybe I'll join you
Leave them a note
Tell them to scatter my ashes
In the waves
I'm a Cancer, you know
On the cusp of Leo
What better final resting place
For such an untame creature
Than the sea
Ruled by the Moon
Fierce like the Sun 06/07/2005 Posted on 06/08/2005 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin