The Care Package by Lacy D PhillipsPlain brown wrapping, in accordance with regulation. A soft-cornered box, clearly well-traveled, the distance evidenced by scuffs and indentations inflicted by the international shipping apparatus that spanned oceans of sand, so agonizingly slow, to bring it hence as whole and uninjured as I hope it finds you.
So unassuming, this modest parcel, only one in a parade of thousands of workaday posts.
But can you see the care in each sharply creased corner and each straight, unwrinkled length of clear packing tape? The Devil's in that tape, you know. I fought near on half an hour with it to make it behave and lie flat, gleaming in perfect parallels over a field of drab brown.
Does the weight this 10.89 pounds of snack food and essentials feel comforting in your desert-parched hands? Youll recognize the shoebox beneath the paper as belonging to your last pair of good work boots that lie, still caked with red clay, where they were kicked off thoughtlessly in the laundry room.
Ill bet no package ever looked better to your eyes, not even last years Christmas gifts that Id had professionally-wrapped in extravagant holographic candy canes trimmed with real brass bells that tinkled madly at being disturbed from their aesthetic perfection when you shook clues out of each present.
Did you run your fingers over the hand-lettered address just now feeling the alternating 'smooth, rough, smooth' of the bands of tape and textured wrapping? Did it, only for a moment, remind you of the feel of your sun-scorched skin against mine?
As for the contents, my love, Ill let the powdered drink mix and Double A batteries speak for me, for even these small material things are enough to impart love unconditional and rip tears from the eyes of a war-hardened man. 06/07/2005 Author's Note: The last line might have gone just a hair too far. I was pondering leaving it out. I'm still playing with the word choice and sentence structure. Did I jump between tenses? Awe, well, if I did at least I didn't jump within the same stanza.
Posted on 06/07/2005 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Brett Shane on 06/07/05 at 06:36 AM whoa.. i enjoyed this piece... such a seemingly small thing "10.89 pounds" yet it can make such an impact to "desert-parched hands"..... amazing write.... i remember every single package i ever recieved during my tour... and this brought all those memories back... thank you for writing it :) |
Posted by Dana E Brossard on 07/19/05 at 05:47 PM Very nice. Thank you for sharing it with me. It does indeed strike home. I got three care packages on my last Iraq tour and they were very special to me. |