This is your life by Kimberly BareThis is your life
Live it
Cherish the love you're given
Take it as it comes, day by day
Try to find the laughter along the way
If you believe in yourself
you'll make it
When you see a chance
you gotta take it
It's a crazy world we live in
and everybody's dealt a hand
But ya gotta make your own promised land
Ya gotta learn to crawl before you walk
and ya gotta learn to think before you talk
Ya gotta look in the mirror and like what you see
Know you have the power to be who you want to be
Try to find the laughter along the way
Take it as it comes, day by day
Cherish the love you're given
Yeah, This is your life
Live it
04/22/2005 Author's Note: For the Sylvia Plath Society of Hope Challenge
Posted on 04/22/2005 Copyright © 2025 Kimberly Bare